Mark McGwire Private Signing Opportunity October 29th


Staff member
Jul 24, 2007
📣 Exciting News: Mark McGwire Autograph Signing Event on October 29th! 🖋️

Join us for an opportunity to get your prized memorabilia personally signed by baseball legend Mark McGwire. Don't miss this chance to add an iconic piece to your collection!

Event Details: 📅 Date: October 29th

Deadline for Send-Ins: October 20th


Cards: $90, Standard Items: $95, Premium Items: $125

Inscriptions: $65, JSA Authentication: $10

📦 Please note that the above prices do not include Shipping & Handling (S&H) fees.

OUR BASEBALLS: Includes Baseball, Autograph, JSA and S&H
$129 Per Ball, $189 w/ One Inscription

NO MCGWIRE/CANSECO ITEMS ALREADY SIGNED BY JOSE. He will sign items with Jose that are team in nature (ie: team ball, jersey, etc). McGwires appearance courtesy of our friends at AtommicSports.

This is your opportunity to own a piece of baseball history with Big Mac's signature on your memorabilia. Whether it's a baseball card, a jersey, a bat, or any other item, McGwire will make it truly special.

NOTES: All cards/photos will be signed in Blue Sharpie, baseballs in Blue pen unless instructed otherwise.

IDIOT PROOF YOUR SEND IN ITEMS (Thanks Scott Smith the “S.I. King”)

1) Include something with your item(s) that has your NAME, PHONE #, EMAIL ADDRESS, and ADDRESS in case things are unclear as to how you want things signed.

2) Put a small Post-It on the item with your name and where you want the item signed and the color of marker or pen.

3) When requesting an inscription, WRITE IT OUT CLEARLY so it gets done properly.

Cash, check or money order to be sent in with your items made payable to SportsGraphing.

Ship your items to SportsGraphing, McGwire, PO Box 1245, Millersville, MD 21108.

Return S&H for YOUR ITEMS must be included with your items. SASE rules below.

1-9 cards $7 for USPS First Class Mail with Delivery Tracking

1-4 magazines, photos, or 10+ cards, please add $9.00 for Priority Mail S&H.

1 Baseball $7 S&H. 2 Baseballs/Pucks $9 S&H. Email me if more than 2.

1-2 Jerseys $20 for Priority Mail S&H.

Bats, cleats or other large items, please add $35 for Priority Mail S&H.

SASE RULES - We will accept a SASE but it MUST have return tracking clearly on your SASE.

Insurance by request. Add $3.50 per $100 value for all insurance. We are is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

For any inquiries or additional information, please contact us at 410.963.8226 or

Don't wait! Be a part of this memorable event and get your Mark McGwire autograph on October 29th. We look forward to celebrating this iconic sports moment with you. ⚾🖋️ #MarkMcGwireSigning #BaseballLegend #AutographEvent
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