
  1. R

    a couple of 86 Mets, Hofers and Islanders

    I will be attending a signing with the following players in Oct and can offer great prices on the following guys Ed Hearn Kevin Mitchell Ed Lynch Phil Niekro Rollie Fingers Juan Marichal Al Arbour Mike Bossy Gord Lane Garry Howatt Dave Langevin Glenn Resch PM me for prices if...
  2. bluefan25

    A couple of So Cal signings

    Here are a couple of signing with Angels and Dodger players. April 25, 2009 - Meet the new Angels' closer, Brian Fuentes! Brian Fuentes will be signing autographs April 25, 2009 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the AT&T Store in Orange. AT&T Store 125 S. Main St. Orange, CA 92868...